What is Whimsy Gossip?
Hi there, we are SO happy that you are visiting our page. We started Whimsy Gossip in the spring of 2023 after being inspired by the A Court of Thornes and Roses series by Sarah J Maas. Both of us used to be huge readers, but over the years between life and school, we both fell off. We both have always loved to create and entertain others. We have a huge passion for all things magic and fantasy! Whimsy Gossip started as a creative outlet, a hobby, a podcast. This quickly evolved into creating viral book audios and even some cosplay content, ultimately culminating in our very first nonprofit fan film “Chapter 54” which you can find on our YouTube channel. We cannot wait to see where this journey will take us, and we hope you stick around with us to find out. We have made so many amazing friends through this fantasy community and are eternally blessed to have found our love of books again after so many years. Thank you so much for your support!